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What is Artificial Intelligence? How Are Companies Using Artificial Intelligence?

‘What is Artificial Intelligence? How Are Companies Using Artificial Intelligence?’

Artificial intelligence is a field of technology consisting of machines that can improve and renew themselves with the data they collect by imitating human intelligence. Artificial intelligence, whose English name is Artificial Intelligence (AI), is a branch of science that deals with developing computer programs that can perform tasks that require human intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is not limited to human-like robots; Rather than replacing humans, robots are designed to assist humanity in various fields and increase human capability. Artificial intelligence uses machines and computers to mimic the problem-solving and decision-making ability of the human mind, contributing to solving complex problems by enabling the computer to think like humans.

It processes large amounts of data and learns to perform certain tasks by recognizing the data it processes. Artificial intelligence systems improve themselves with the data they acquire, can solve problems and make decisions.

Why is Artificial Intelligence Important?

Artificial intelligence finds ways to use data effectively; It collects, processes and analyzes data and provides competitive advantage by using data correctly. All you have to do is take advantage of the advantages offered by artificial intelligence. Remember, the best and most accurate data always comes to the fore.

Artificial intelligence intelligently reveals the structure in the data, and thus the algorithm becomes proficient in prediction and classification. It learns which product to recommend to the user on their next visit, adapts quickly when new data arrives, and offers new suggestions to the user.

What are the Uses of Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is a system behind many services that have entered our lives thanks to technology. Artificial intelligence is used effectively in many sectors, from health to retail, from commerce to education. Artificial intelligence analyzes data, learns and makes decisions by imitating human intelligence. Artificial intelligence offers solutions in many areas to make human life easier, improve quality and increase efficiency.

1. Health Sector

Artificial intelligence is widely used in the healthcare industry in the fields of preventive and preventive health, diagnosis, diagnosis and treatment. Technology, which reduces the margin of error in medical practices such as recording doctor diagnoses in patient records, has brought important innovations to the healthcare sector. With robotic surgery, surgery is performed with the lowest margin of error.

2. Banking Sector

The banking sector is also among the sectors that benefit from artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence applications provide convenience in banking transactions. It enables individuals to carry out their transactions quickly without having to go to the bank.

3. Online Shopping

One of the areas where the artificial intelligence system is used is online shopping. Artificial intelligence provides personalized recommendations based on people's search engine searches and purchases and other online activities.

4. Digital Assistants

Rapidly developing technology uses artificial intelligence for personalized services. Digital assistants that offer suggestions for the user's needs, answer questions and make their work easier are available on most smartphones today.

5. Driverless Autonomous Vehicles

Driverless vehicles are powered by artificial intelligence and deep learning algorithms. Due to its environmental sensing capabilities, it can operate on its own without a driver. Autonomous vehicles, which are being used in daily travel and transportation, seem to shape the future of the automotive world.

6. Personalized Experience

How can Google or Amazon have any idea about our shopping experiences? How do the suggestions related to the search we make on Instagram appear along with the search we make on Google? Deep learning algorithms provide the answer to these questions. Deep learning algorithms can provide personalized recommendations for users.

How Do Companies Use Artificial Intelligence Technology?

Companies use artificial intelligence technology to automate and practical tasks that require manpower and reduce the margin of human error. Artificial intelligence technology, which automatically carries out human tasks, increases corporate performance and productivity. Artificial intelligence can make sense of and process data at a level that humans cannot.

The reasons why companies use artificial intelligence technology are as follows;

  • Solving users' technology-related problems and providing better service
  • Identifying security violations and preventing security violations
  • Reducing production management efforts
  • Management of sales and after-sales processes

Working with Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is working to improve what humans can do and do things more effectively. The artificial intelligence algorithm uses a different learning method than humans and offers an analytical perspective, able to capture details that human intelligence misses. Therefore, with human-AI collaboration, many tasks can be completed quickly and efficiently.