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It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

Management Systems Policies
Corporate Goals

Corporate Goals

  • To raise the brand image of ÇOKYAŞAR
  • To increase our competitiveness in the sector and to place our brand at the highest level by blending our competent and well-equipped human resources with modern technologies
  • To create sustainable, stable and trust-based business partnerships with our employees, customers, suppliers and service providers in all our functions
  • To expand the service network to increase the growth and recognition of our brands within Çokyaşar Holding
  • To prevent wastage by using our intellectual capital and material resources effectively
  • To determine and monitor our strategic goals together with all our process owner employees
Energy Policy

Energy Policy

At the focal point of our energy policy is respect for nature and efficiency; with the awareness that energy is a precious resource, we continue to be a leader in energy efficiency by creating and implementing the ISO 50001 Energy Management System.

  • Using energy and natural resources without wasting them
  • To monitor and implement technological developments that increase energy efficiency
  • Maximising the utilisation of by-product gases and waste heat
  • Preventing energy losses with continuous measurement and monitoring
Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

The health and safety of our employees is our most valuable priority.

  • To work continuously to improve and expand our occupational health and safety culture with the goal of Zero Work Accidents and Zero Occupational Diseases
  • To act in accordance with the laws, regulations and standards related to occupational health and safety
  • To identify and evaluate risks and opportunities related to occupational health and safety; to carry out continuous improvement activities to minimise risks and improve our performance
  • To ensure that all our employees, business partners, subcontractors and the society are aware of occupational health and safety, and to organise the necessary training and communication programmes
  • To build a work environment where all our employees are healthy, safe and happy
Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

We consider it our duty to minimise the impact of our activities on the environment and to use natural resources wisely.

  • To follow technological developments, process improvements and best practices by applying ISO 14001 Environmental Management System in all our processes
  • To comply with environmental laws, regulations and international standards
  • To identify and monitor environmental risks and opportunities; to improve our environmental performance with a continuous improvement approach
  • Reducing waste generation, supporting recycling and recovery, developing alternatives
  • To use raw materials that are harmless to the environment and human health
  • To take precautions by identifying the factors that may cause environmental pollution in advance; to act respectfully to the environment in all processes from design to the end of the life cycle
  • To fulfil our responsibilities in order to leave a clean environment for future generations
Social Responsibility Policy

Social Responsibility Policy

Our company culture is based on giving back to society what we earn from society. We endeavour to be a part of and support sustainable projects that will contribute to the development and improvement of the society and geography we live in.

  • To act in accordance with human rights and to adopt human rights documents with international standards in this regard
  • Standing against corruption
  • Not to allow any illegal work to be done in the contractor/subcontractor companies we work with. Oppose practices such as forced labour, prison labour, apprenticeship agreements, bonded labour, military labour or slavery and human trafficking
  • To prevent people under the age of 18 from working in risky jobs in our workplaces
  • To observe the rights of our foreign national employees, to issue their employment contracts in Turkish and in the language they speak separately; not to take away their original documents, not to put them in debt or not to employ them illegally
  • In case the employee leaves the job, not to prevent this or cause delay unless there is a safety reason
  • Protect employees' personal information and keep it for the period stipulated by law
Business Ethics

Business Ethics

Our business ethics are based on observing our company values in every decision we make as employees, managers and as an organisation.

  • To act in accordance with the principle of honesty and transparency in all our business relations and processes, to be principled, responsible and realistic, to fulfil the standards required of us
  • To be effective in the implementation of this behaviour principle at the highest level in our relations with our employees and all our stakeholders, and to make a harmonious cooperation
  • To care about the confidentiality and protection of information
  • To ensure the protection of information confidentiality and private information of our employees, customers, competitors and all other stakeholders in our activities, business relations and behaviours; to keep all information delivered to us safely

Confidential and private information includes information that may reduce the competitiveness of our Company, commercial secrets, patents, financial and other information that has not been publicised, information on personnel rights, information within the scope of "confidentiality agreements" made with third parties, and information determined within the framework of the "Information and System Security Policy".

Employees of Çokyaşar Holding are responsible for acting in accordance with the principle of confidentiality and implementing the Code of Ethics at all levels of our Company.

Sustainability, Compliance with Legal Requirements Policy

Sustainability, Compliance with Legal Requirements Policy

We observe our responsibilities towards the environment and society in all our processes.

  • Not to establish business relations with institutions and persons that are harmful to public morality, environment and public health
  • As an environmentally sensitive company, to observe human and public health and to protect the environment and our environmental resources both in our own activities and in our relations with our business partners
  • To comply with all occupational, safety and health laws and standards in our work
  • To consider the effects of environmental pollution and depletion of natural resources in our investment decisions
  • To train all our employees on issues such as protection of environmental resources, energy saving and recycling
  • To participate in and contribute to sustainable projects that benefit the society and geography we live in with an understanding of social responsibility and support the development of society
  • To act in accordance with the relevant national and international legal regulations and conditions and to monitor their current status
Disclosure and Transparency Policy

Disclosure and Transparency Policy

Çokyaşar Holding announces its responsibility towards the society through the information it shares on its website and social media accounts.

Innovation Policy

Innovation Policy

With our innovation efforts, we aim to realise what has not been done before and secure our future in the sector.

  • In this context, to carry out research and development studies to provide environmentally friendly, energy-saving, innovative and high quality products and services in the metal sector
  • To carry out our activities with the philosophy of continuous development and improvement
  • To act in accordance with sustainable development goals