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24 March 2024 Back
What is the Metaverse? What awaits us in the future?

‘What is the Metaverse? What awaits us in the future?’

Metaverse is defined as the new trend of the digital world. Metaverse means virtual reality universe and opens the doors of a new world to us. Thanks to Metaverse, we can work, socialise, play games and do many other activities.

Metaverse uses the most advanced possibilities of technology to create a virtual world independent of the real world. The reflection of the Metaverse universe on our lives will be as follows: In the future, we will be able to enter the Metaverse with devices such as virtual reality glasses, headsets and gloves. We will be able to choose our own avatars in the Metaverse and look the way we want. We will be able to navigate between different platforms, applications and games in the Metaverse and return to the real world whenever we want. Metaverse promises us a unique freedom and entertainment.

So, how will the Metaverse universe reflect on our lives? What awaits us in the future?

What is Metaverse?

Metaverse is not only a mentally perceived universe, but also a universe that can be accessed through augmented and virtual reality devices without physical effort. Metaverse is also defined as a virtual universe planned in connection with Web 3.0, which we can participate in 3D.

It is predicted that the Metaverse universe will be integrated with real life. The Metaverse universe is the virtual world where all digital environments merge and it is possible to enter with virtual reality glasses and headphones. Metaverse offers the possibility of doing business, playing games or travelling, unlike the current virtual reality used only for computer games.

Why Metaverse is Important?

Metaverse is expected to change the world of the future with Web 3.0. With Metaverse, it is possible to do everything in a virtual environment without the need for physical activities. Metaverse, which we can switch to in many areas such as virtual sports, shopping, gaming, is preparing to integrate with many projects such as Neuralink.

What Will the Metaverse Change?

It would be wrong to see the Metaverse as a new technology consisting only of game, user and audience experiences. Although the Metaverse is mainly known for the gaming industry, it is expected to shape many areas in the future. New companies, products and services are expected to take place in the Metaverse, where a new market area is being built.

A Completely Virtual Universe

Metaverse will take communication and interactions to a different dimension. In the Metaverse universe, users will have the opportunity to participate in virtual reality events anywhere in the world through digital avatars. They will be able to perform social activities and even work.

Blockchain, NFT and Cryptocurrency World

Metaverse is a universe where many works called NFTs are exhibited and sold in the digital world. With Metaverse, it is also possible to use virtual assets in the digital universe with Blockchain technology. In the Metaverse universe, not only NFT sales and cryptocurrency purchases, but also land sales are made. The number of people who want to invest in the Metaverse universe is also increasing.

Metaverse is a universe with a new life, production, development, shopping, business opportunities and various opportunities. Metaverse attracts huge investments around the world. It is predicted that the Metaverse, where the first steps of the virtual world are taken, will affect the whole world in the near future. It is known that many world giant companies have invested in the Metaverse and the first steps have been taken in this field.

Within the scope of research, it is estimated that there will be 3.5 billion augmented reality users by 2022 and will exceed $ 18 billion in 2023. These rates correspond to more than 25 per cent of the world population. This means that the Metaverse market volume will grow at this rate.